Documentation and Manuals

SemTalk documentation consists of several tutorials, some of which build on one another. The general tutorial provides the basics for using SemTalk, such as creating and deleting elements, navigation, interfaces, etc. In the “Demo” column you can find an HTML generated example of each respective method. You can get an overview by watching our video

Method-specific tutorials such as BPMN, EPC and CSA show the structure of processes in the respective modeling method. ‘EPC’ contains the well-known ‘Event-driven Process Chains’ according to Prof. Scheer. ‘CSA’ is the “Communication Structure Analysis” according to Prof. Krallmann from TU Berlin.

General English .pdf Datei Demo
Allgemein Deutsch .pdf Datei Demo
CSA English .pdf Datei  
KSA Deutsch .pdf Datei  
EPC English .pdf Datei  
EPK Deutsch .pdf Datei  
BPMN for Business Analyst English .pdf Datei  
BPMN for Business Analyst Deutsch .pdf Datei
BPMN for BPEL English .pdf Datei
OWL English .pdf Datei
Simulation English .pdf Datei
Simulation Deutsch .pdf Datei Video
SemTalk and Microsoft SharePoint English .pdf Document
SemTalk und Microsoft SharePoint Deutsch .pdf Datei Video (Repository) Video (Collaboration